The Beginning of the End

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 |

I can't believe that this summer school went by so quickly! It seemed that it was only yesterday that our teacher was teaching us about the fundamentals of photography. Today as you know was our showcase at school, which out teachers took our best works and showed it to the whole school. From the choir to the fashion design I was really impressed with the work that my fellow students had done during the course of the 16 days. The most that I was really impressed with was the 8 man orchestra which played the 1812 Overture. Anyways, our teacher showed a slideshow of our photos and some qoutes from fellow classmates from the class and I must say when I say our photos compared to the first assignment that we did, I'd say that we have all improved, especially me in taking better photographs. I'd say that we learned to have an eye for things now. When I saw my photos up (which by the way I had no way of knowing which were the ones my teacher put up because she picked it herself without us knowing) I was really proud of my work. It was one of the few times where I felt good about something. I am really embarassed to say this, but when some of my photos went up, I along with my fellow classmates said various surprised comments like "OMG THAT IS MINE!", "LOL", "OH LOOK ITS MY PHOTO!!!", "IS THAT MINE? HEY THAT'S MY PHOHTOGRAPH", and "HAHAHAAHAH". Although the last one was what everyone was doing in the theater when they saw a funny photograph.

Moving on, tomorrow is the last day and we are to show one of the following; a photo essay or a photo story. Although I would've wanted to show my photo essay which is a collection of inspirational posters tomorrow, I can't because =O I had forgotten my USB @ school >.<... Yes that is the second time it happened to me... So for tomorrow I have to show my photo story... Well anyways I will post it up here and on Facebook when I have time.


Friday, July 17, 2009 |

I haven't posted in a few days due to some photo editing. As you may have noticed, there is only one album showing up on my Picasa page and that is because I have decided to put out photos that have my copyright on it... Why? Well one of the reasons is because its done by me. Secondly someone told me to start doing it for future use. Thirdly? Well think if someone takes your work, copies it and claims it as one of their own... Yeah... I haven't done it on my Flickr page yet, but I will consider putting copyright on the pictures there. And on Facebook? Well with 140+ photos to edit there is no way I'm doing it because I have a life too you know? XD Well anyways hope you like the works I have done so far and thank you for the comments for those of you who posted on Facebook.

On Facebook

Tuesday, July 14, 2009 |

As promised here is my profile on Facebook where most of my pictures are because Flickr and Picasa have an uploading limit. I am still trying to find an online album where I can upload my photos without a limit, but so far my alternative is Facebook. Now if you are reading this from Facebook, you are mostly likely my friend all ready. If you are, remember to view my photos and to chose which you like for my portfolio at school. Yes I actually need a critique other than myself. If you are not and you are reading this from my blog click on the link and add me as a friend and add a message saying that you want to view my photos. If you don't add a message I will just take it that you are some random stranger who happened to come across my profile and will refuse your invitation. So please remember to add the message.

Facebook Profile:

Its nearing the end of summer school and the school has decided to showcase their best works on July 22nd...It is an art school after all... So my teacher has told us to put together some of the best pictures/photos that we have taken so far. All though I've posted all my photos on Facebook and have asked my friends to vote for the ones they like I still don't have enough... So I've decided to pick some of the works that I have done and put together a little slideshow which can be seen above. It is fairly small so if you want to see them at their original size here is the link to the album on Picasa:

This won't be my final selection because I have still a lot of photos to take, so I may put more or less than what I have. If you want to see all the photo's I have taken so far please go to my Facebook photos as everything is there. If you are not my friend I will post up the link in the near future and we'll go from there. Your inputs are much appreciated :D

Oh I may decide to continue to put up my best shots/photos after summer school so watch out for them.

Oh for those of you seeing this on Facebook, you won't see the slideshow so you will have to go to my blog... Just a little heads up :D

Rule of Thirds and Types of Photography

Monday, July 13, 2009 |

My second assignment consisted of us taking pictures that requires the following:

- No background
- Background simplified
- Background included
- Rule of thirds
- Leading lines
- Frame
- Strong center of Interest/Dead Center

Our teacher explained to us what kind of photographs we should be taking when it comes to these types of photography. She also explained what Rule of Thirds is. For those of you who don't know, Rule of Thirds is a compositional aid used to help photographers and artists arrange the elements of a picture in such a way as to actively engage the attention of the viewer. This method can be very effective in creating a strong focal point in an otherwise bland image. It can be applied to most scenes you may come across, from landscapes to portraits, still life to abstracts. Studies have shown that when viewing images that people's eyes usually go to one of the intersection points most naturally rather than the center of the shot - using the rule of thirds works with this natural way of viewing an image rather than working against it. - Placing horizons or other dividing elements on one of the horizontal or vertical lines will lead to the picture appearing more balanced, rather than being overwhelmed by one particular section. While the rule of thirds is a useful technique there are situations when you will want to break it.

And here are the links to the albums where my assignments can be found since posting them up on blogspot will be too long. The Flickr link is No Background-Rule of Thirds and the Picasa link is from Leading Lines-Strong/Dead Center. The reason being for the two links is that my upload limit for Flickr for the month has been reached. So without further ado, the links:


Me on Flickr and Picasa


As promised here are the links to my profiles on Flickr and Picasa:


I will see if I can find more online albums that I could post my photos on.

It's The Start...


As much as I'd rather spend my summer hols being outside, hanging out with friends, be with a special someone, I have taken a crash course on photography. I was having mixed emotions at it at first, but when I saw some of the beautiful works done by people who did not have any background in photography , I became really interested and decided that this course is worth the while. For our first assignment our teacher had given us the task of finding pictures that we took before this course and through that she found out our levels in photography. Here are mine:

It's not even my cake! Take off the Flash! Artificial Waterfalls Problems... How's the fish?
Height Check?
While viewing these photos in class our teacher gave us some info on how could've taken the photos better. In my case with the picture of the child, I should have taken them at eye level. There were no other comments except for the people, including the teacher saying how they liked the photo of the turtle that I took while on vaction in Hawaii with my parents. All the pictures here can be seen in my Flickr and Picasa accounts which will be posted in the near future.