I can't believe that this summer school went by so quickly! It seemed that it was only yesterday that our teacher was teaching us about the fundamentals of photography. Today as you know was our showcase at school, which out teachers took our best works and showed it to the whole school. From the choir to the fashion design I was really impressed with the work that my fellow students had done during the course of the 16 days. The most that I was really impressed with was the 8 man orchestra which played the 1812 Overture. Anyways, our teacher showed a slideshow of our photos and some qoutes from fellow classmates from the class and I must say when I say our photos compared to the first assignment that we did, I'd say that we have all improved, especially me in taking better photographs. I'd say that we learned to have an eye for things now. When I saw my photos up (which by the way I had no way of knowing which were the ones my teacher put up because she picked it herself without us knowing) I was really proud of my work. It was one of the few times where I felt good about something. I am really embarassed to say this, but when some of my photos went up, I along with my fellow classmates said various surprised comments like "OMG THAT IS MINE!", "LOL", "OH LOOK ITS MY PHOTO!!!", "IS THAT MINE? HEY THAT'S MY PHOHTOGRAPH", and "HAHAHAAHAH". Although the last one was what everyone was doing in the theater when they saw a funny photograph.
Moving on, tomorrow is the last day and we are to show one of the following; a photo essay or a photo story. Although I would've wanted to show my photo essay which is a collection of inspirational posters tomorrow, I can't because =O I had forgotten my USB @ school >.<... Yes that is the second time it happened to me... So for tomorrow I have to show my photo story... Well anyways I will post it up here and on Facebook when I have time.